Art Storytime

My theme last week at storytime was art. (I always use loose themes, as you will see next week...Spoiler Alert!). I usually don't even make any mention of what the theme is, but it does help me organize my thoughts. It helps that I make mine pretty general as well, and I try to make them kid-friendly too.

First* we read I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont. I passed out paintbrushes so the kids could play along at painting their body parts as the kid in the book paints his (or hers?). Does anyone know if it is a boy or girl in this story?!? This is one of my favorite stories. I love singing picture books.

The biggest hit this week was a story roll version of It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. I know many children's librarians do this as a felt board story, but after I found a story box in the storage room here, I had to try my hand at making my very first scroll story. It turned out fantastically and it was a huge success. One little boy exclaimed "It's a magic box!" I love how you can pause dramatically while reading the story and let the kids guess what the image is and there is natural suspense while waiting for the next picture to scroll up that you just don't get while reading the book version or putting the next felt piece up. Check out my post on how to make a scroll story for more details.

We also read My Crayons Talk by Patricia Hubbard. The kids laughed at the funny pictures. (Thank goodness!)

At some of the storytimes, I told the story "The Sculptor Who Couldn't Decide What to Make" from Movement Stories for Young Children Ages 3-6 by Helen Landalf and Pamela Gerke. (This book is amazing, by the way! Another good one is Dance, Turn, Hop, Learn!: Enriching Movement Activities for Preschoolers by Connie Bergstein Dow) The kids pretended to be balls of clay that I was molding into sculptures. We had a great time doing this one! I decided each day based on the kids in attendance whether it was an appropriately interactive mood for this story.

After our last story, I demonstrated how to make fireworks in a glass.

The kids made crayon paper bag puppets for their craft.

*Actually, I start each storytime with an introduction to myself and whoever is helping me that, if someone is. Then we sing/play "Jump Up, Turn Around" by Jim Gill. I love to watch the looks on the faces of kids who are joining us for the first time as each verse gets progressively harder, until they are holding their breath while trying to do the actions. So cute!
