"This is Big, Big, Big" Picture Book

Did you know that you are now reading the blog of a picture book illustrator? Inspired by Melissa's post about making her own big book of "Twinkle Twinkle," I decided to try illustrating her fingerplay "This is Big." And, yes, I did get her permission to adapt her rhyme before I started. Today, I am thrilled to unveil This is Big by Melissa Depper and Anne Clark! We hope anyone reading this who may be on the Newbery or Caldecott committees remembers us in January 2013. ;) 

I started by sketching the words and images to see how I could lay it out. Here's what that looked like: 

Next, I hooked up the Cricut machine and got to cutting and gluing! Details are below if anyone is interested in making their own version. 

Here it is: 

The last "l" is on the finished version. 


Cricut cartridges used: 
Doodle Charms
Everyday Paper Dolls
Create a Critter
Font of your choice (I used Sesame Street's Sunny Day cut at 1.5 inches)

Other supplies: 
Elmer's spray adhesive for the letters
Glue stick for the images (which somehow didn't dry clear---arrrghh!)
Assortment of scrapbook paper (12 inch squares)

Cut details: 
This is big big big 
Doodle Charms snowflake (shadow) at 10 inches
This is small small small 
Doodle Charms snowflake (shadow) at 4 inches
This is short short short 
Everyday Paper Dolls body (blackout) at 4 inches
This is tall tall tall
Everyday Paper Dolls body (blackout) at fit to page (11.5 inches)
This is fast fast fast
Create a Critter rabbit (shadow) at 6 inches
This is slow slow slow
Create a Critter turtle (shadow) at fit to page (5.5 inches)
This is yes yes yes 
Doodle Charms baby face (shadow) at fit to page (6.25 inches)
This is no no no 
Doodle Charms baby face (shadow) at fit to page (6.25 inches)

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  1. Charming and wonderful.

    I like making things up and flannelizing (or prop storying) things for story time. It's very Traditional Story Telling, don't you think? Your pieces are beautiful, Anne. You'll get my Mock caldecott vote!!

  2. Thanks, Sharon. I'm really happy with the way it turned out--minus the Visible Glue Lines (VGL?).

    I love traditional storytelling! I hope that Flannel Friday is encouraging librarians in this digital-obsessed time to remember to incorporate flannels and other time-tested methods. Kids are so fascinated by different storytelling techniques that engage their imaginations.

  3. Looks great!!! I'm so happy you had this idea!

  4. This is fantastic! I'd never thought of doing This is Big, Big, Big as anything other than a fingerplay, but now I think a flannel board might be in the works. (Also, how great is Melissa for writing that rhyme? We use it at almost every one of my story times, and it's one of the few that every single adult will join in on!)

  5. Wow! I am very impressed! That is an extremely cute rhyme. So simple yet full of learning opportunities!

    The illustrations are adorable! I will have to cut them freehand if I follow your instructions because we have an Ellison diecut, no Cricut. :-( Do you use your Cricut often? I really like what you accomplished with it! My favorite is the "no, no, no". :-)

  6. I'd use the Cricut more at work if we were able to leave it out and ready to use in an office, but our building is 97 years old & lacks the space unfortunately. You can see some of the different projects I've used the Cricut for here: http://www.sotomorrowblog.com/search/label/cricut. I've also written 1 or 2 posts about what our experience with the Cricut has been like and whether libraries should use them that should be in there somewhere.

  7. Excellent book - do you have a publication date yet?
    I was just thinking of the possiblity of presenting this with loose pages and imagining what a video of it could look like. Something like this? http://en.musicplayon.com/play?v=461198 Bob Dylan's - Subterranean Homesick Blues. It would make a great example for storytelling 2.0 IMHO!

  8. Thanks for the Cricut information, Anne. I am going to have to do some more research on them.

    Library Quine, I absolutely love your idea of a video. We are just starting to explore that option for our Summer Reading programs. Last year I used an already made YouTube video for a pirate story/song and the kids loved it. This year I want to make my own video. Thinking of using I Want My Hat Back...

  9. I love my cricut. I am going to make magnetic stories useing my cricut. Just cut out pieces laminate and put a magnetic piece on back. I also have a Xyron so that is where I will laminate and I will use the magnetic roll sheet if needed for certain pieces.


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