Old MacDonald ABCs

Today I'm sharing a fun adaptation of Rob Reid's "Old MacDonald ABCs" which can be found in his new book What's Black and White and Reid All Over?  (starts on page 27 in "Now I Know My ABCs" chapter). I won't post all the words because of copyright considerations, but the first verse goes like this: 

Old MacDonald had a farm,
And on her farm she had an alligator,
With a Snap-Snap here
and a Snap-Snap there.
Here a Snap, there a Snap,
Everywhere a Snap-Snap,
Old MacDonald had a farm
 After going through animals from our friend the alligator to the inimitable yak, the song ends like so: 
Wait! Old MacDonald didn't have a farm! She had a ZOO! (slap forehead)
I don't know about other people, but I absolutely would never remember all the words and noises and need something to follow along with. Rather than just make a cheat sheet, I decided to turn this into a PowerPoint for storytimes with big crowds. I also printed a copy off to use as a book with smaller crowds or when I don't have a computer/projector/screen handy. To illustrate it, I used clip art from OpenClipArt.org, one of my all-time favorite resources.

It took me about 90 minutes of on-desk time to put this all together, so it's very doable. It may have only taken 30-45 minutes of off-desk time. 

If you'd like to check out more of Rob's work, he has a blog of his own: Heart of a Child. 


  1. Very cool as a powerpoint. Plus, you are working on letter knowledge for the young kids. Great idea!

  2. Welcome back!!! Love the letter activity.

  3. Welcome back to Flannel Friday and congratulations on your little one! I hope you are enjoying all the challenges of motherhood. There is nothing better! <3


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