The Fish With the Deep Sea Smile

Happy Shark Week, everyone! I'm sharing an adaptation of "The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile"* I just made with Scratch. I have been learning Scratch for about a week now and this is the first project I have done completely on my own. The other projects have been from Teach Your Kids Computer Coding which may be the best book I have read ever. Seriously.  More on that another time.
Click here to watch!

Please consider this project a rough draft, but one I had a lot of fun working on. I'm very curious to see what you think! There's still a few things I want to tweak but I didn't want to miss the deadline for Sharon's Shark Week Roundup.

Two previously shared shark-themed ideas were Filmore Fish and Six Silly Sharks.

*Words source


  1. well, hooray for you! It's wonderful. I would have never thought to do that....what a great project!! good work.


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