Flannel Friday Placeholder for March 18, 2016

I'm hosting this week's Flannel Friday roundup, so leave a link to your blog post in the comments below and I'll post a compilation over the weekend. Not sure what Flannel Friday is? Well...

***You can also find Flannel Friday on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter hashtag, and on our Blog. If you're new to Flannel Friday, don't forget to add your name and location to our Where Is Flannel Friday map.***


  1. Thanks for hosting Anne. Piper and I have a really great idea,(we saw on Jimmy Fallon), that we tweaked for National Library Week. Planning on being silly in our Children's Dept. Feel free to do the same! http://piperlovesthelibrary.blogspot.com/2016/03/childrens-services-and-national-library.html ~ Jane& Piper

  2. Yes! I have been sitting on this one for WEEKs and I've finally remembered to share it! https://heytherelibrary.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/flannel-friday-5-or-6-little-bunnies/

  3. I made a flannel to go with my favourite storytime song, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom: https://jbrary.com/flannel-friday-zoom-zoom-zoom/

  4. Thanks for hosting this week! Here's my Flowers Make a Rainbow post http://kdr4xmom.blogspot.com/2016/03/flowers-make-rainbow.html

  5. Here's my version of that very popular "Little Bird" pattern that Mel's Desk posted some time ago: https://storytimeukulele.wordpress.com/2016/03/17/little-bird-little-bird/

    Since several of her birds don't live in my part of the continent, I've adapted the pattern to include 3 local birds (Stellar Jay, Red-Winged Blackbird, and Robin). Thanks for hosting!

  6. Thanks for hosting! I made a finger puppet/puppet set of Five Little Flowers: http://thebuckeyelibrarian.blogspot.com/2016/03/flannel-friday-5-little-flowers.html

  7. I have three to share again this week!
    Houses: http://flannelboardfun.blogspot.com/2016/03/six-houses.html

    Mittens: http://flannelboardfun.blogspot.com/2016/03/mitten-match.html

    I Wish I Were: http://flannelboardfun.blogspot.com/2016/03/oh-i-wish-i-were.html

    Thanks for hosting!

  8. Anne - guess I have a lot to say! Inspiration keeps coming my way. Thinking about The Dot in flannel and the amazing creative team of Peter H Reynolds and Paul Reynolds Thanks http://piperlovesthelibrary.blogspot.com/2016/03/fablevision-studiojanes-bucket-list.html


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