Guest Post: 5 Whales in the Bathtub

I'm hosting a guest post by Syntha Green, a Youth Services Librarian at Troy Public Library this week. Here's what Syntha had to say about "5 Whales in the Bathtub"

I am doing a summer fun theme for storytime and one of the books I am reading is I Won A What? by Audrey Vernick. I remembered the 5 Sharks in the Bathtub Flannel I made for a shark storytime a few years ago (found on Flannel Friday, of course), and decided to turn it into 5 Whales in the Bathtub.
One whale in the bathtub going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands twice)
Splash, splash (slap your knees twice)
Come on in! (wave to enter with both hands)

(Repeat with 2,3,4 whales)

Five whales in the bathtub going for a swim.
Knock, knock

Splash, splash
It all fell in!

I simply made a whale tail, cut 5 out of different colors and I'm all set since I'm reusing the bathtub.
